At Ignite Church we recognized the weakness in having leadership vested in one man – the pastor. As we follow the Scriptures we discover that leadership in the New Testament church was always committed to a group of biblically qualified men rather than to one man. The New Testament uses three different words to refer to these individuals: pastor, elder, overseer. These are not different ministries but one ministry viewed from three different perspectives (Acts 20:17,28; 1 Peter 5:1-4). “Pastor” or “shepherd” focuses on the care and protection given to the congregation; “elder” emphasizes spiritual maturity, “overseer” reflects the oversight and direction provided for the congregation. The uniform testimony of the New Testament is that each church had a group of men that were pastors / elders / overseers in each church. Here at Ignite, oversight is committed to a group of men known as elders, who are called by God, and who serve under the authority of our Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
The uniform testimony of the New Testament is that each church had a group of men that were pastors / elders / overseers in each church.

Jody Burkeen is the Lead Pastor / Elder for Ignite Church. He and his wife Nan have been married 32 years and are blessed with four beautiful children: Evee, Gabe, Paul, and Addy. Jody is an author, speaker and a lover of the word of God. In 2010 he founded Man Up God’s Way, a national men’s ministry that is challenging men to step up for the kingdom of God. He has brought the same challenge to Ignite Church.

Gary Smith is the Executive Elder for Ignite Church. He is the husband to Becky of 40 years. He is the father of 4 beautiful girls and has 10 grandchildren. Gary is passionate about scripture. He loves to teach and preach the word of God. Gary oversees the finances of Ignite Church.

Erik Oleson is an Elder for Ignite Church. He married his wife Julie in 2002. He is the father of 2 beautiful children a boy and a girl. Erik is passionate about fellowship and loves to interact with people. He loves to teach and help where ever he is needed. Erik oversees the outreach of Ignite Church.