Grow In The Grace and Knowledge
by Jody Burkeen on January 11th, 2023
Growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus is an ongoing process that begins with a personal relationship with Him through faith in His death and resurrection. This is true sanctification. Here are a few ways to cultivate a deeper understanding and intimacy with Jesus.Study the Bible: The Bible is God's word and it is through reading and studying scripture that we come to know Jesus better. Make ... Read More
Be Sanctified
by Jody Burkeen on January 10th, 2023
Biblical sanctification is a concept and discipline that is central to the Christian faith. It refers to the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ, both in terms of character and behavior. The Bible teaches that all believers are called to be sanctified, and that this process is ongoing throughout our lifetime.The word "sanctification" comes from the Latin word "sanctus," which means "holy." ... Read More
Being a Christian Friend
by Jody Burkeen on January 7th, 2023
Having Christian friends, involves developing close relationships with others based on mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment to living according to the teachings of the Bible. Here are a few things you can do to cultivate good, godly, biblical friendships:Pray for guidance and wisdom in choosing friends. The Bible says, "Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character'" (1 Corinth... Read More
Prayer and Fasting
by Jody Burkeen on January 5th, 2023
Biblical fasting is an important spiritual discipline that has been practiced by believers for thousands of years. It involves abstaining from food and drink, or other pleasures, for a set period of time in order to focus on prayer and seeking God. Fasting is mentioned many times in the Bible and is often connected with prayer, as it is a way to humble ourselves before God and seek His will.One of... Read More
by Jody Burkeen on January 4th, 2023
Fasting is a practice that is deeply rooted in the history of many religious traditions, including Christianity. In the Bible, fasting is often mentioned to demonstrate humility, to repent of sins, and to draw closer to God. Here is a brief overview of what the Bible says about fasting and how it can be a meaningful spiritual practice for believers today.In the Old Testament, fasting is mentioned ... Read More
Regular Church Attendance is Good for the Soul
by Jody Burkeen on January 3rd, 2023
Church attendance has long been a central part of many people's spiritual lives, and for good reason. There are numerous benefits to regularly attending church, both for individuals and for communities.One of the primary benefits of church attendance is a sense of community. When we attend church, we are surrounded by others who share our beliefs and values. This can be incredibly comforting and s... Read More
Tips for a Consistent Prayer Life
by Jody Burkeen on January 2nd, 2023
Prayer is an important part of many people's spiritual lives. It is a way to communicate with a God, by expressing gratitude, and seek guidance and support. A healthy prayer life can bring a sense of peace, clarity and can help people feel more connected to something larger than themselves. Here are a few tips for cultivating a strong prayer life:Set aside regular times for prayer. It should be da... Read More
How to Biblically Changed Your Mind
by Jody Burkeen on December 31st, 2022
How to Change Your Mind BiblicallyHave you ever found yourself stuck in a certain way of thinking, even when it goes against your values or what you know to be true? Changing our minds can be difficult, but it's an important part of personal growth and living a life aligned with our biblical values and beliefs. If 2023 is going to be different from 2022, then it may take a change of mind. In this ... Read More
Bible Study in 2023
by Jody Burkeen on December 30th, 2022
2023 can be the year you finally get through the bible. Here are some tips for studying the Bible:1. Set aside dedicated time for Bible study. It can be helpful to choose a regular time and place to study, such as in the morning before starting your day or in the evening before going to bed. I start the morning off with a cup of coffee, my bible and prayer journal.2. Choose a translation of the Bi... Read More
New Year's Resolution
by Jody Burkeen on December 29th, 2022
New Year's resolutions are a great way to set goals and make positive changes in your life. Whether you want to improve your spiritual or physical health, focus on your mental well-being, or make progress in your career, a New Year's resolution can help you stay motivated and on track.Here are some tips for making and keeping your New Year's resolutions:1. Set specific, achievable goals. Rather th... Read More
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Finding Comfort in the Midst of Loss: A Biblical Perspective on SufferingThe Seven Stages of Grieving: A Biblical PerspectiveUnderstanding Luke 11:1-4: The Lord's PrayerHistory of the AltarThe Power and Practice of Intercessory PrayerAre You A Christian Who Prays?The Power of Corporate Prayer: A Biblical Perspective
Tips for a Consistent Prayer LifeRegular Church Attendance is Good for the SoulFastingPrayer and FastingBeing a Christian FriendBe SanctifiedGrow In The Grace and KnowledgeServing OthersBiblical StewardshipHow to Create Godly FriendsTaking Care of the Widows and OrphansEvangelize!Doctrine of AtonementSpiritual Disciplines