Posts with the tag “fast”
Ending Your Fast
by Jody Burkeen on February 14th, 2023
Ending a biblical fast is just as important as starting one. Here are some tips to help you end your fast:Start slow: When breaking your fast, it's important to start slow and reintroduce food gradually to avoid any digestive issues. Start with small amounts of easily digestible foods such as fruits or soups, and avoid heavy, fried, or spicy foods.Pray and give thanks: Take time to thank God for s... Read More
Spiritual Disciplines
by Jody Burkeen on January 30th, 2023
Seeking God through the spiritual disciplines such as reading your Bible, meditation, and prayer will guide you to a deeper spiritual connection with God.While fasting, adding spiritual disciplines will help you deepen your connection with God and can provide a path to greater understanding and spiritual growth. Here are some tips for incorporating these practices into your spiritual journey for t... Read More
A Critical Examination of Michael Todd's TeachingsRevisiting Leadership and Accountability: A Critical Look at Mark Driscoll’s CharacterExamining The Teachings of Bill Johnson- Bethel ChurchA Critical Review of Andy Stanley’s Teachings: Lukewarm Understanding of ScriptureRecognizing False Teachers: A Guide for Church MembersGood Shepherds Understanding Bible Translations: Which Ones Should We Trust?Confronting Bad Theology in the Church5 Ways Christians Can Build Their Faith
Finding Comfort in the Midst of Loss: A Biblical Perspective on SufferingThe Seven Stages of Grieving: A Biblical PerspectiveUnderstanding Luke 11:1-4: The Lord's PrayerHistory of the AltarThe Power and Practice of Intercessory PrayerAre You A Christian Who Prays?The Power of Corporate Prayer: A Biblical Perspective
Tips for a Consistent Prayer LifeRegular Church Attendance is Good for the SoulFastingPrayer and FastingBeing a Christian FriendBe SanctifiedGrow In The Grace and KnowledgeServing OthersBiblical StewardshipHow to Create Godly FriendsTaking Care of the Widows and OrphansEvangelize!Doctrine of AtonementSpiritual Disciplines