Discipleship 101

Discipleship refers to the process of following and learning from Jesus Christ, with the ultimate goal of becoming more like him and fulfilling his mission in the world. It is a lifelong journey of growth and transformation, where we seek to deepen our relationship with God, live out his commands, and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

The call to discipleship can be found throughout the New Testament, with Jesus himself inviting his followers to come and follow him (Matthew 4:19). Discipleship is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about being changed from the inside out. It involves putting into practice what we learn from Jesus, and allowing his teachings to shape our beliefs, values, and behavior.

One of the key aspects of discipleship is obedience to God's commands. This means living a life that is consistent with his teachings and desires for us. This involves seeking to live a holy and pure life, avoiding sin and temptation, and striving to love and serve others as Jesus did.
Another important aspect of discipleship is spiritual growth. This means growing in our understanding of God and his ways, deepening our relationship with him, and growing in our ability to love and serve others. This can involve things like reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, and serving in church.

Discipleship also involves sharing the good news of Jesus with others. As disciples, we are called to be witnesses to the love, grace, and truth of the gospel, and to share it with those around us. This may involve sharing our faith in word and deed, helping others in need, and being a godly influence in the world.

Finally, discipleship involves developing a missional mindset, where we seek to make a positive impact in the world and fulfill God's purposes for our lives. This may involve using our gifts and abilities to serve others, being involved in missional activities, and seeking to live a life that brings glory to God.

God has placed people in your life for a purpose. Share the gospel and make disciples. Matthew 28:19

Pastor Jody

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